Saturday 30 January 2010

Losers Trailer

Just came across this new trailer for the up comming movie Losers, based on the Vertigo comicbook. Loved the comic, and the trailer looks all kinds of explosive goodness, but judge for yourself:

<a href="" target="_new" title="'The Losers' Exclusive Look">Video: 'The Losers' Exclusive Look</a>

Sunday 24 January 2010

Top 10 Movies of 2009

Over the last few years I've always made a best of the year list, I know I'm a bit late, I've been putting this of for a while now, but with the IFFR startting next week it's put me in the movie mode and now I've finally gotten around to actually, look at my ticketstubs of the past year and write down the list that I've been making in my head since half december.

Now these represent my 10 favourite movies that I saw in the cinema in 2009 on their first theatrical release.

10. J.C.V.D.
9. The Chaser
8. Slumdog millionaire
7. the Wrestler
6. Ponyo on the cliff by the sea
5. Moon
4. Star Trek
3. Avatar
2. the Good, The Bad, the Weird
1. Inglourious Basterds

Honorouble mention: Let the Right on in, Probably my favourite movie I saw in the cinema this year, it's a close race with inglourious Basterds, but I'd probably go for let the Right one in, except it's a 2008 release, I had the opportunity to see this at the IFFR in 2008, but couldn't fit it in my schedule, if i had seen it in 2008 it proably would have been my favourite movie of 2008.

Honourable mention: Red Cliff, Loved this movie, and it probably would have made the list if they had released the original two part blockbuster theatrically, instead they released a 2 hour version which was still good, but after seeing the complete cut just paled in comparison, it's like watching the theatrical cut of the LOTR movies after having seen the extended editions.

Monday 18 January 2010

RT marines

not much of an update, havn't done much yet, need to wait till I get some new blades before I can start modelling. turns out the blades I bought a while back don't fit the handle I have, but have now ordered the rights ones. As soon as they arrive I can start.

Still havn't decided on a chapter, but I have narrowed the choises. decided against Night Lords, I really like the fluff, sort of like, the closest thing to an army of batmen ;P but I think the lightning/terrormarkings would clash with the RT look.
Also decided against spacesharks, cause if I'm gonna do a grey chapter I might as well go with spacewolves.

So the choises are now spacewolves, crimson Fists, or Salamanders.

used the space marine painter over at B&C to do a spacewolf design, see how it looks. Now it aint perfect, the left pad should be studded, and he shouldn't have an aquilla, but it's just to see how the grey armour woudl look wit the yellow helmet stripe and the checkered campaign badge on his right greave. Not sure if it looks right, doing the entire greave may be a bit much.

anyway when I have the time I'll try to whip up some Crimson fists and salamander designs too.

Have also been thinking about some conversion work. Some of the marines I bought were already assembled and some of them had the newer 2nd edition backpacks rather then the original RTB01 ones, now it's not really a big problem, but I was thinking that if I equip my assault squad with jumppacks, I'd have enough of the old backpacks for the rest of the marines. So I'm thinking of scratch building some oldschool style turbine jumppacks, at least I'm gonna try, if I don't succeed, my backup plan is to buy the maxmini ones.

I'm also planning to scratchbuild some closecombat weapons for my assault squad. I saw some pics over at the B&C of RTB01 marines which were converted using 2nd edition arms and weapons and wasn't too impressed, the arms and the weapons were all a bit too big IMHO, so I'm thinking I'm gonna need to scratchbuild some myself. How hard can it be to build a chainsword anyway right? ;P

Sunday 10 January 2010

new Blog

I'm jumping on the bandwagon and have created a new blog, this will mostly be to show of my painting/modeling progress, but I'm sure other stuff will be posted too.
The main reason to start this blog is the fact that I have just acquired about 50 old school RTB01 plastic and RT metal spacemarines. Together with the old school Rhino I bought last summer this will be the start of a new Rogue trader style space marine army. And hopefully my return to regular paiting.

Looking at what I have, I've so far decided to build and paint the following:

2 tactical squads
1 devastator squad
1 assault squad
1 Rhino
1 commander
1 librarian
1 chaplain

which leaves me with enough spare marines to raise another squad though I havn't decide what to do with them for now.

The idea is to build an rogue trader style marine army and I will try to follow the old painting guides of the rogue trader books as much as possible. I'm also planning to paint one of the tactical squads in a camo scheme.

Still not sure which chapter they will become, but for now I've narrowed it down to 5 choises:

1. Pre Heresy Night lords, Nice dark blue scheme is suited to my painting style, the chapter symbol is easy enough to paint freehand though the lightning effect on the armour and the terror/skull markings might clash with the RT style, helmet stripes, campaign badges etc.

2. Crimson fists, the classic rogue trader army, again dark blue which I like to paint, and I think they will look great in the old rogue trader style. Though they're not one of the founding chapters so this will have to be a post heresy army.

3. Pre heresy Salamanders, This will be in the old paintscheme so a lot darker then the current scheme probably closer in tone to the current dark angel scheme. The only reason they're on the list is because after painting spaceorks for years green is an easy colour for me to paint.

4. Pre heresy Spacewolves, Grey scheme with a yellow badge, I'm comfortable painting grey though the old yellow badge is a concern. If I pick these guys I'll probably throw out all the current spacewolf fluff, since I havn't found any spacewolf fluff in the old rogue trader books, I'm probably just going to disregard everything I know. I did see an article on chaplains that showed a space wolve chaplain scheme proving to me that in the RT days they didn't have any of the special spacewolf character choises, so no wolf priests/runepriests/ironpriests but chaplains, librarians and techmarines. No bloodclaws/greyhunters and longfangs, but regular tactical, assault and devastator squads.

5. Space sharks, pretty much for the same reason space wolves are on the list, grey is easy to paint, though I reckon this badge is easier to freehand, plus they're an iconic RT chapter that you don't see around too often, but like with the crimson fists I would prefer a founding chapter.