Monday 18 January 2010

RT marines

not much of an update, havn't done much yet, need to wait till I get some new blades before I can start modelling. turns out the blades I bought a while back don't fit the handle I have, but have now ordered the rights ones. As soon as they arrive I can start.

Still havn't decided on a chapter, but I have narrowed the choises. decided against Night Lords, I really like the fluff, sort of like, the closest thing to an army of batmen ;P but I think the lightning/terrormarkings would clash with the RT look.
Also decided against spacesharks, cause if I'm gonna do a grey chapter I might as well go with spacewolves.

So the choises are now spacewolves, crimson Fists, or Salamanders.

used the space marine painter over at B&C to do a spacewolf design, see how it looks. Now it aint perfect, the left pad should be studded, and he shouldn't have an aquilla, but it's just to see how the grey armour woudl look wit the yellow helmet stripe and the checkered campaign badge on his right greave. Not sure if it looks right, doing the entire greave may be a bit much.

anyway when I have the time I'll try to whip up some Crimson fists and salamander designs too.

Have also been thinking about some conversion work. Some of the marines I bought were already assembled and some of them had the newer 2nd edition backpacks rather then the original RTB01 ones, now it's not really a big problem, but I was thinking that if I equip my assault squad with jumppacks, I'd have enough of the old backpacks for the rest of the marines. So I'm thinking of scratch building some oldschool style turbine jumppacks, at least I'm gonna try, if I don't succeed, my backup plan is to buy the maxmini ones.

I'm also planning to scratchbuild some closecombat weapons for my assault squad. I saw some pics over at the B&C of RTB01 marines which were converted using 2nd edition arms and weapons and wasn't too impressed, the arms and the weapons were all a bit too big IMHO, so I'm thinking I'm gonna need to scratchbuild some myself. How hard can it be to build a chainsword anyway right? ;P

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