Sunday 24 January 2010

Top 10 Movies of 2009

Over the last few years I've always made a best of the year list, I know I'm a bit late, I've been putting this of for a while now, but with the IFFR startting next week it's put me in the movie mode and now I've finally gotten around to actually, look at my ticketstubs of the past year and write down the list that I've been making in my head since half december.

Now these represent my 10 favourite movies that I saw in the cinema in 2009 on their first theatrical release.

10. J.C.V.D.
9. The Chaser
8. Slumdog millionaire
7. the Wrestler
6. Ponyo on the cliff by the sea
5. Moon
4. Star Trek
3. Avatar
2. the Good, The Bad, the Weird
1. Inglourious Basterds

Honorouble mention: Let the Right on in, Probably my favourite movie I saw in the cinema this year, it's a close race with inglourious Basterds, but I'd probably go for let the Right one in, except it's a 2008 release, I had the opportunity to see this at the IFFR in 2008, but couldn't fit it in my schedule, if i had seen it in 2008 it proably would have been my favourite movie of 2008.

Honourable mention: Red Cliff, Loved this movie, and it probably would have made the list if they had released the original two part blockbuster theatrically, instead they released a 2 hour version which was still good, but after seeing the complete cut just paled in comparison, it's like watching the theatrical cut of the LOTR movies after having seen the extended editions.

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